1) Updates the card window by executing a “go to this card”
LineToCircle XCMD 4301
1) horizontal coordinates of start point
2) vertical coordinates of start point
3) horizontal coordinates of end point
4) vertical coordinates of end point
1) Draws a line from start point to end point then draws a circle at end point.
ButtonPICT XCMD 4302
1) The name of a PICT resource.
2) The abbreviated name of the button.
1) Displays the PICT resource centered and cropped to the rect of the button.
FlashRegion XCMD 4306
1) “REGNResourceNameSource”
2) FlashCount (the number of times to flash the region, default = 3)
3) Delay (the delay in ticks between each flash, default = 10)
1) Searchs only the current stack for the REGN.
2) If the region exists, then inverts the region's contents flashCount pairs of times.
NewRegion XFCN 4308
1) none
1) Allows the user to trace the boundary of a region.
2) Saves the region as a named resource of type "REGN" in the current stack.
3) Returns the name of the region.
ClickInRegion XFCN 4309
1) "REGNResourceName"
1) Searches only the current stack for the specified region.
2) If the region is found and the click was within the region, then "true" is returned. If the region is found and the click wasn't within the region, then "false" is returned. If the region is not found then the empty string is returned.
MoveDialog XCMD 4310
1) "DialogName"
1) Loads the "Ask" DLOG resource.
2) moves the top-left coordinates of the dialog to the global coordinates corresponding to the local coordinates contained in PointContainer.
1/18/88: Unfortunately, HyperCard centers the dialog on the screen.Therefore, changing theDialog's horizontal coordinates do not have any effect. The dialog ends up only moving vertically when this XCMD is used.
GetClickedRegions XCMD 4311
1) "REGNListContainerName"
2) optional "OutputContainerName" (default is “it”)
1) If the clickLoc was in any of the regions (listed on separate lines in the REGNListContainer), then the names of the regions containing the clickLoc are put into the output container. Else the empty string is put into the output container.
GetRegionNames XCMD 4312
1) optional "containerName" (default is “it”)
1) Searches the current stack for named REGN resources.
2) If any exist, then their names are put into the specified container. Else the empty string is put into the container.
LineContent XFCN 4313
1) optional "AbbrevNameOfField" (default is "abbrev name of the target")
1) Returns the contents of the line clicked on. Else it returns empty.